*** Note this program distributed free to all L.A. County Employees *** Winstart v1.0 Distribution: Winstart is distributed as whatever-ware. This means if you really enjoy the product and feel you should send some form of contribution, my address is at the bottom of this file. If not, feel free to use it as you like. Feel free to distribute this program to any bbs' you belong to, but please keep it packaged with this text file. Purpose: Winstart will wait 10 seconds, and if no keys are pressed, launch windows. -If you press ENTER, you are dumped into dos and windows is not started. -If you press the SPACE bar windows is launched immediately. -There is one other action this program performs, and it is a secret. If you send a letter, some email on compu-serve or some $$ I will let you know what it is (or you may try to find it yourself). After downloading a file called winload.exe from a local bbs, I began to realize that I wanted to change some of the functionality of the program. I wanted the program to be a little more stealth like. By this I mean I did not want a huge red graphic to flash on the screen make a noise, then tell me I have 10 seconds before loading windows. Winstart just spits out a line of instruction and then quietly counts down to 1 before doing its thing. No big graphics, no noise, just functionality. I also found, being the impatient type, I sometimes got frustrated waiting for the 10 seconds to expire before windows would launch but changing the wait time proved too short on some occasions. I solved this by adding a function to start windows immediately by pressing SPACE. Options for Installation: -Winstart sould be copied to the root directory c:\ and the statement WINSTART should be placed in your autoexec.bat file. C:\WINDOWS should be in your path. -Winstart may be placed in it's own directory, and the statement c:\winstart\winstart should be placed in your autoexec.bat file. C:\WINDOWS should be in your path. Send thanks to Steve Levitt Atlas Computers 850 Second Street Suite 314 Santa Monica, CA 90403-1027 Compu-Serve: 71643,3206 Internet: 71643.3206@compuserve.com